Tax diary: All the main tax events for May / June 2015 Welcome to this month’s Tax Diary, providing you with all the main tax events for the next couple of months
Tax diary: All the main tax events for May / June 2015 Welcome to this month’s Tax Diary, providing you with all the main tax events for the next couple of months
News: April 2015 Personal allowances As already announced the basic personal allowance for 2015/16 will be £10,600. The Budget on 18 March announced that there will be a further above inflation increase to
News: April 2015 Further changes to ISAs The current £15,000 ISA limit is to be increased to £15,240 from 6 April 2015. Remember that the 50% cash ISA restriction was abolished from 1
News: April 2015 New help to buy ISA These new accounts to help first time buyers save for a deposit to buy their first home will be available from Autumn 2015. First time
News: April 2015 Further pension flexibility The Government will bring in new legislation from 6 April 2016 to allow people who are already receiving income from an annuity to agree with their provider
News: April 2015 Capital taxes It had already been announced that the CGT annual exempt amount would increase to £11,100 for 2015/16. With a top CGT rate of 28% this allowance potentially saves
News: April 2015 Tax relief on small donations to charity increased to £8,000 The Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) allows charities to treat small donations such as those in collecting boxes as
News: April 2015 Single 20% corporation tax rate A single corporation tax rate of 20% will apply from 1 April 2015 whatever the level of your company's profits. As already announced in the
News: April 2015 VAT registration limit £82,000 The VAT registration limit has been increased by £1,000 to £82,000 from 1 April 2015. The de-registration limit also increased by £1,000 to £80,000.
News: April 2015 The end of tax returns? The Government proposes to transform the tax system over the next Parliament by introducing online tax accounts to remove the need for individuals and small