News: June 2013 GENERATING PR FOR YOUR BUSIINESS Generating PR for your firm is all about telling a story, raising awareness and ensuring that when a potential customer needs your product or service,
News: June 2013 GENERATING PR FOR YOUR BUSIINESS Generating PR for your firm is all about telling a story, raising awareness and ensuring that when a potential customer needs your product or service,
News: June 2013 EMPLOYEE SHAREHOLDER SHARES This controversial initiative is to apply to shares received through the adoption of this new status of employee shareholder probably from 1 September 2013 but there
News: June 2013 ACQUIRING NEW CLIENTS Growing your business in the current economic climate is challenging to say the least. As such, businesses need to think of new, often more radical ways of
News: June 2013 HMRC ENFORCEMENT DRIVE, SEARCHING FOR OVERSEAS TRUST ASSETS HMRC is launching a special enforcement drive to detect the use of undeclared overseas trusts to conceal assets and income. The campaign
News: June 2013 MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Communication is as much about non-verbal communication and listening as it is about speaking. Here are some crucial concepts that executives often forget: Listen with intent Most of
News: June 2013 NEW AGENT AUTHORISATION FORM Where we act for you as your tax agent and you pay the new High Income Child Benefit Charge, we will need to know whether a
News: June 2013 TAX DIARY OF MAIN EVENTS FOR JUNE/JULY 2013 Date Whats Due 1 June Corporation tax for year to 31/8/12 19 June PAYE & NIC deductions, and CIS return and tax,
News: June 2013 TAX CHARGE ON TAKING A LOAN FROM A CLOSE COMPANY If you have an overdrawn loan account with your company, there is a tax charge on the company unless the
News: June 2013 FORMS P11D DUE BY 6 JULY As mentioned in the tax diary, the deadline for filing the 2012/13 returns of benefits and expenses paid to employees is not far away.
News: May 2013 DEALING WITH ABSENTEEISM No matter how big or small your organisation, absenteeism can be an issue. It is impossible to eliminate staff absences entirely but every business needs sufficient controls