March 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: March 2014 Investments Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) The SEIS was introduced for a limited five year period from 1 April 2012. The SEIS has now been made permanent, with the income


March 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: March 2014 VAT VAT Rates The VAT rates and thresholds are as follows: From: 1 April 2013 1 April 2014 Lower rate 0% 0% Reduced rate 5% 5% Standard rate 20% 20%

February 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: February 2014 Samsung smart watch Samsung's Galaxy Gear is among the first smart watches to be released by a major mobile phone manufacturer and is intended to lead the way in the

February 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: February 2014 Real Time Information or RTI was introduced from 6 April 2013 which requires employers to submit payroll data to HMRC on or before wages and salaries are paid to employees.

February 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: February 2014 Workplace wellness programmes Workplace wellness programmes are pretty common in large businesses. However, such initiatives have largely been ignored by small and medium sized firms. The following are some tips

February 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: February 2014 Get ready for pension auto-enrolment The next big challenge for payroll departments within Small and Medium sized enterprises will be the phasing in of Auto-Enrolment which will require all employers

February 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: February 2014 Planning for success in 2014 As we move into 2014, many businesses and their management teams are taking a step back, looking at the business, considering how the market will

February 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: February 2014 New HMRC tax residence indicator tool From 6 April 2013 new Statutory tests were introduced to determine whether individuals are resident in the UK or not, generally making the rules

February 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: February 2014 Defining your brand Branding is much more than a logo. Whether you sell products or services, your brand is as much about a customer experience as it is about corporate

February 1, 2014 0 Comments

News: February 2014 Tax relief for renewing "white goods" in let properties Controversially and without any prior warning HMRC removed the concession that allowed a tax deduction for the replacement of free standing