HMRC wins disguised remuneration avoidance case HMRC has won a disguised remuneration avoidance case over a contractor
HMRC wins disguised remuneration avoidance case HMRC has won a disguised remuneration avoidance case over a contractor
Changes to income tax bands for 2019/20 The new tax year brings changes to income tax bands
A group of MPs has called on the government to tax the profits of social media businesses.
MTD for VAT HMRC is phasing in its landmark Making Tax Digital (MTD) regime, which will ultimately
Update on Structures and Buildings Allowance Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered the Spring Statement on Wednesday 13 March
Delay to rise in probate fees The government has delayed its planned increase in probate fees indefinitely.
Additional Brexit advice for small businesses The government has published additional documents containing advice on Brexit for
Reporting Benefits in Kind - Forms P11D The forms P11D which report details of benefits and some
Phishing: Households with landlines should be vigilant Over recent years HMRC has increasingly cracked down on email
Latest update for employers HMRC has issued Employer Bulletin (February 2019) which includes a number of interesting