Tips for a killer marketing campaign

News: July 2011

Tips for a killer marketing campaign

Learn from the mistakes and successes of your competitors – Watch what your competitors are doing and learn from it. They may be advertising everywhere but it may not be enough to win them new business.

Your marketing does not necessarily have to centre on traditional advertising. Sometimes, more subtle approaches such as email marketing, direct mail or even blogging via Twitter can prove more targeted and yield better results than buying expensive advertisements.

Target the right audience – Identifying the segments of the market that are worth targeting is the key to developing a marketing campaign that yields results.

Monitor trends in your particular business sector and develop strategies to target those clients who spend more on your type of product or service.

Alternatively, you may decide to go with a low cost strategy and focus on selling large volumes. The key is to market your product or service to an audience that will be receptive to your sales proposition.

It’s cheaper to sell to an existing client than it is to win a new client – There is a “cost of acquisition” associated with winning new clients. Whether you need to offer a discount for the first year or take corporate contacts to a rugby match in order to close a deal, there is a cost associated with winning that new piece of business.

Existing clients have already demonstrated that they are willing to do business with you. These clients should be targeted for either a repeat sale or a cross sale of one of your additional products or services which they have not yet purchased.

Build your database – Effective marketing campaigns require mailing lists, email addresses and telephone numbers. New contacts should be added to your database in order that they receive future special offers, newsletters of invitations to events.

No matter what type of marketing campaigns you wish to engage in, you need to track client contact information so that you or your sales team can easily follow up and close the sale.